Sunday, February 13, 2011

Song of the Day

  1. I chose this song because, it's one of my favorite songs by the band, I listen to it everyday and I really like the message I get from listening to it but for other people the message may differ.
  2. The story in the lyrics is about being in the middle of the war as an US Army soldier. In some of the lyrics it describes life back at home and how it can affect family and in other parts it describes visuals and stuff seen while in battle like people dieing or wounded.
  3. The structure is A, A, B, B
  4. The emotional tone is set to make listeners really think about what war is like. It also has a sad tone to it but then jumps into a rushing beat. Listening to this song really makes you wonder what it would really be like and cause you to imagine what their seeing as described in the lyrics.
  5. The message or lesson of the song is to think about what our troops are going through, how hard their life is and what they see on almost an everyday basis. 

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